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Dive into the auditory realm with Coffee Journeys through our enriching ‘Podcast’ series. Immerse yourself in insightful conversations, interviews, and discussions on leadership, technology, and intentional living. Whether you’re an avid podcast listener or seeking to explore new perspectives, our ‘Podcast’ tag is your gateway to thought-provoking content that complements the journey from technical expertise to leadership. Join us in this audio adventure as we navigate the complexities and inspirations on the path to leadership excellence.

How to land your dream job checklist

Is there any ‘good’ in layoffs? 

It was a long time ago. I was working for a cable TV company. Internet was booming in Poland. I started to learn Linux and wanted to change my job. The opportunity came as my company bought the Sun Microsystems server. I called my director, and full of enthusiasm, I explained why I was a good candidate.
In response, he bluntly asked me: do you know how expensive this computer was?

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What is a jet lag and how to mitigate it?

What is JetLag and how to mitigate it?

Remote work is excellent. It has a lot of benefits; it saves you time on the commute, and it helps with life and work balance. And what’s been important recently, it limits your exposure during seasonal flu outbreaks. Technology, team agreement and procedures can help with day-to-day team operations, but nothing will replace face-to-face communication. Even fully remote teams and whole companies must meet every so often to ponder on the past, plan the future and just spend some time together. That means travel. And that usually means long flights, at least for some members of the team. Is there anything we can do to be prepared for a long trip? How can we mitigate JetLag?

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Stress management for leaders

Stress Management for Leaders: The Prioritise and Execute Framework

Do you find yourself overwhelmed in high-pressure situations, struggling to make decisions amidst chaos? Stress management is a critical skill for leaders, especially in today’s world where unexpected challenges seem to be the norm. In this episode, we’ll delve into an effective framework called ‘Prioritize and Execute,’ a strategy borrowed from ex-military leaders turned business consultants, Jocko Willink and Laith Babin. This framework can help leaders like you stay calm, make well-informed decisions, and efficiently navigate complex and stressful situations. So, whether you’re managing a team or an entire organisation, read on to discover how ‘Prioritize and Execute’ can be your secret weapon in the world of stress management for leaders.

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How to start journaling?

Elevate Your Leadership Through Journaling

Do you know what Marcus Aurelius, Ben Franklin and Mark Twain have in common? These historical figures have one thing in common. The same that 80% of people appearing on the Tim Ferriss podcast and representing the elite in their industries have.

This feature is the habit of keeping a daily diary. Why is it so important and you can elevate your leadership through journaling? Let’s dive in!

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Hippo effect and dichotomy of leadership

Hippo effect and dichotomy of leadership

In the realm of management, a pivotal moment arrived when I took the reins for the first time. With a significant project ahead, we initiated a kick-off meeting, setting the stage for what lay ahead.

As the meeting unfolded, schedules were discussed, decisions were reached, and responsibilities were delegated. The project manager led the proceedings, and I found myself responding to the majority of queries. It all seemed to flow smoothly—a testament to my leadership, or so I thought. Little did I know that I was about to encounter a transformative lesson.

In the aftermath, a one-on-one conversation with my superior unfolded. “What could you have done better in that kick-off meeting?” he inquired. A question that prompted me to reevaluate my approach.

Caught between wanting to support my team and unintentionally suppressing their growth, I began to unravel the concept of the HIPPO effect—an idea that was about to reshape my perspective on leadership. I learned about HIPPO leadership.

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The Art of Digital Detox: Reclaiming Your Mind in a Hyperconnected World

The Art of Digital Detox: Reclaiming Your Mind in a Hyperconnected World

In today’s fast-paced and hyperconnected world, taking time to disconnect from technology and recharge your mind has become more important than ever. We’re diving into the art of digital detox, exploring why it matters and how you can incorporate it into your daily life.

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Navigating Your Career Journey: 9 Essential Tips for Young Professionals

9 Essential Tips for Young Professionals

In our journey through life, there comes a time when we transition from being young and inexperienced to gaining valuable knowledge and professional experiences. As we reflect on our own paths, it’s natural to contemplate the advice we would give to our younger selves. In this blog post, we will explore nine essential pieces of career advice for those in their 20s. Whether you’re just starting your career or seeking career growth tips to accelerate your professional development, these tips will help you navigate the exciting and sometimes overwhelming world of work.

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Team agreement | Good practice for high performing teams

Why high-performance teams need team agreements

We start the new team. We gathered a group of talented individuals and we want to grapple with the new challenge. How can we accelerate the team forming, storming and norming phase? We should start with team agreements. Once done, this exercise will boost team productivity. It will also help to create and maintain the team identity. It shouldn’t be the detailed documentation of the team proceedings in the wiki-style procedure. Instead, we should agree on things that are important for our team. Let’s take a look.

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The Right Way to Hold People Accountable

The right way to hold people accountable

It was a long time ago. At that time, I was not too fond of trekking. Yet, I was there, exhausted, but happy. I was at the top of the mountain. I was with my friend who convinced me to go for this journey with him. To our surprise, there was a place where we could buy hot food. My friend asked me did I want anything. I said something like “yes probably, just bring me something”. He disappeared, and a moment later, he was back with a juicy, beautifully smelling burger. He brought me … nothing. I was furious. I was blaming him. It was years after when I realised that it was me who was wrong, and there is the right way to hold people accountable.

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The Responsibility Process

The Responsibility Process: How to Overcome Challenges and Take Personal Responsibility

What do you think when you hear the word “responsibility”? The place where I come from (Poland) it usually has negative connotations, and it means you are in trouble. You broke the glass, you are responsible, and you need to pay for it. It comes hand in hand with the fact that our education systems teach us to avoid failures. All of that combined makes us think that responsibility is a bad thing, and we should avoid being responsible for things in our lives. Is this the full picture? What if we look at this from a different angle? If I am responsible, it means I am response-able – able to respond, able to think logically and move, fix and correct things around me. Let’s take a look at the Responsibility Process.

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