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After the rain, there is always sunshine – quarter retrospective

What I am doing now | enjoying time with family | quarter retrospective

After challenging second quarter in 2020, the third one was fantastic. After the rain, there is always sunshine. Here is a snapshot of things that I was doing in the last quarter retrospective.

July – Enjoying outdoors

Watering greens at allotment

The restrictions were relaxed a bit; we could go for a bike ride. We enjoyed the first family bike “trip” after a long time. It was fun. It was also surprising how much we missed it, but haven’t realised until we were able to do it!.

I also spend a lot of time outside, mainly on our allotment. Seeing greens to grow and taking care of it, is deeply satisfying. And at the end of the day, if you can eat your green onion, potatoes and cucumbers, it is more than I could wish for.

July blog posts

The secret to well-written CV 🔥
There are no bad teams, just bad leaders
Hey there, does your email save you time?
40% rule – a secret to mental toughness
Applications and tools for travelling

August – Enjoying my holidays

What I am doing now | enjoying jousting at Hever Castle
Enjoying jousting at Hever Castle

We planned to spend all summer in Poland. After the careful assessment, we decided not to go. Instead, I opted for “staycation”. I still booked my holiday, but we were based at home, and taking advantage of the fantastic weather, we decided to drive to the nearby county – Kent – every second day, visiting our favourite Hever Castle. We’ve been walking a lot (5-8km per day, with my 4yo and 7yo!).

Back from hols, full speed at work

It was great to be able to decompress from work. We made the best of this time. Now, I was back to my teams and to the fantastic transformation that my company is embracing. I’ve been lucky. I not only have a job but also I am hiring to my remote teams. It’s busy, as the internet security industry helps other businesses in these challenging times, but we are getting there.

Helping others to get the dream job

In my blog, I concentrated on helping other people to prepare for a job hunt. Some people have been impacted by the current situation in the market and been redundant. Others may want to change their jobs. I hope you all find your dream job.
More and more companies are allowing people to work remotely. It helps to hire talented people from all around the world. However, to work remotely, companies need to apply different mindset and work on organisation culture that will take advantage, not be an obstacle for remote work.

Enjoying (?) the heatwave and watering the greenis

Summer was quite hot in the UK this year. That’s fine for kids who can play outside, but if I needed to be at home on conference calls, it was not so much fun. I needed to keep all creatures hydrated. That meant kids, and this meant all our plans. It was hard work. I measured, and I could quickly burn 300 calories to water all our allotment. Good workout for the end of the day 😜

August blog posts

Why high-performance teams need team agreements
Are you able to respond? Responsibility process in action
The right way to hold people accountable
How to nail the job interview?

September- Back to school and quarter retrospective

The Responsibility Process
Enjoying coffee after the school run

Spending time with family

We were back to routine and tried to go somewhere every weekend. Our favourite place is Hever Castle. They still were doing jousting there! It was so much fun.

Don’t rush. Take your time. Busy is a choice!

I was walking my son to school. I overheard the conversation of two other parents. ‬
– “‪How are you?”‬ ‪
– “Ah, you know – Monday. It’s awful. “‬ ‪

They create their reality. Rushing and associating Monday with the beginning of the hell week. ‬ ‪Why? And kids are listening, and there is a new generation of “busy people” growing in frustration. ‬ ‪Busy is a choice! ‬

September blog posts

How to Baseline Remote Team Culture
Just stop complaining. Now.
It is bombastic to work as the head of the IT department.
3 lessons from The Unicorn Project

The second quarter was somehow challenging. The situation with pandemic hit me after all, and there were a few events that we were not prepared for. However, the last quarter was utterly different. I managed to get the rest. I changed my perspective by spending a lot of time outdoors in nature. Also I focused on family and made sure we had a good time.

After the rain, there is always sunshine.

After the dark night, there is always brightness of the morning.

And that’s it for my quarter retrospective? How was yours?
Do you perform quarterly retrospective?

Thanks for reading!

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