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Unlock actionable insights with Coffee Journeys’ ‘How to’ discussions. Navigate the nuances of transitioning from technical expertise to leadership through practical guides and step-by-step insights. Whether you’re seeking advice on leadership development, technology integration, or intentional living, our ‘How to’ tag provides a roadmap for success. Join us in dissecting the intricacies of implementing change, building new skills, and fostering a mindset that leads to extraordinary results in both the professional and personal spheres.

What is the RACI Model: Clearer Roles, Better Collaboration in Team Projects

What is the RACI Model: Clearer Roles, Better Collaboration in Team Projects

Today, we’re diving into a simple yet incredibly powerful framework for improving team collaboration: the RACI model. Now, if you’ve ever worked on a team project – whether it’s building software, launching a product, or even planning an event – you’ve probably experienced moments of confusion around roles and responsibilities. You might have wondered, “Wait, who’s actually responsible for this task?” or “Who’s making the final decision here?” That’s exactly what the RACI model is all about.

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Productivity Myths that hold you back

Productivity—Buzzwords, Myths and Traps

Productivity—it’s the buzzword of modern life. Everyone’s chasing it, everyone wants to master it, but along the way, we’ve picked up some false beliefs about what productivity actually means. These myths can lead to burnout, frustration, and, ironically, less productivity.

In this blog post, I’m breaking down 5 common productivity buzzwords myths and traps and showing you how to rethink them. By the end, you’ll have actionable strategies to work smarter, not harder, and focus on what really matters.

So, grab a coffee, and let’s bust some myths!

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Technical and Management Debt

How Technical and Management Debt Sabotage Organizational Success

Today we’re exploring a topic that affects organizations of all sizes and industries: The Debt Dilemma. Now, when I say ‘debt,’ I’m not just talking about financial debt. In the world of business and technology, we encounter two other crucial forms: technical debt and management debt. These hidden liabilities can silently erode your organization’s efficiency, morale, and bottom line.

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Uncomfortable Conversations

Uncomfortable Conversations: The Power of Embracing Discomfort

Today’s post is all about pushing your boundaries—through something as simple as a conversation that makes you uncomfortable. Sounds intriguing, right? Well, it’s time to dive in!

Whether you’re leading a team, managing your business, or just navigating the complexities of life, you’re bound to face uncomfortable conversations. But what if I told you that there’s a way to practice handling these tough conversations—with something as simple as your next coffee order?

Yes, you heard that right. So, grab your coffee, sit back, and let’s talk about how to build confidence in uncomfortable conversations… starting with coffee.

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PREP Framework Communication

Mastering Communication with the PREP Framework

There are a few things that I constantly need to improve. One of them is clear and concise communication. Nowadays, it is more valuable than ever. Whether I am delivering a presentation, leading a team meeting, or just sharing ideas with friends, the ability to convey my message effectively is key. But we’ve all experienced moments where we needed to communicate something important, yet the message just didn’t land as we’d hoped.
That’s where the PREP framework comes in.

The PREP framework is a simple, effective structure designed to help you organize your thoughts in a way that’s logical, engaging, and easy to follow. It stands for Point, Reason, Example, Point, and by the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how to use it to make sure your message always has impact.

Let’s break it down.

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How to land your dream job checklist

Is there any ‘good’ in layoffs? 

It was a long time ago. I was working for a cable TV company. Internet was booming in Poland. I started to learn Linux and wanted to change my job. The opportunity came as my company bought the Sun Microsystems server. I called my director, and full of enthusiasm, I explained why I was a good candidate.
In response, he bluntly asked me: do you know how expensive this computer was?

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The Right Way to Hold People Accountable

The right way to hold people accountable

It was a long time ago. At that time, I was not too fond of trekking. Yet, I was there, exhausted, but happy. I was at the top of the mountain. I was with my friend who convinced me to go for this journey with him. To our surprise, there was a place where we could buy hot food. My friend asked me did I want anything. I said something like “yes probably, just bring me something”. He disappeared, and a moment later, he was back with a juicy, beautifully smelling burger. He brought me … nothing. I was furious. I was blaming him. It was years after when I realised that it was me who was wrong, and there is the right way to hold people accountable.

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The Responsibility Process

The Responsibility Process: How to Overcome Challenges and Take Personal Responsibility

What do you think when you hear the word “responsibility”? The place where I come from (Poland) it usually has negative connotations, and it means you are in trouble. You broke the glass, you are responsible, and you need to pay for it. It comes hand in hand with the fact that our education systems teach us to avoid failures. All of that combined makes us think that responsibility is a bad thing, and we should avoid being responsible for things in our lives. Is this the full picture? What if we look at this from a different angle? If I am responsible, it means I am response-able – able to respond, able to think logically and move, fix and correct things around me. Let’s take a look at the Responsibility Process.

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Introduction to Apple Shortcuts | automate your life

How to automate your life? Introduction to Apple Shortcuts

Are you tired of constantly switching between apps? Maybe you feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done?
Well, my friend, it’s time to introduce you to the game-changing world of automation. I hope this introduction to Apple Shortcuts will get you some inspiration. And it will inspire you to use more automation and gain more time for yourself and your family. How to automate your life? Let’s dive in!

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How do you get rid of unnecessary stuff from home?

How to declutter your house in one day?

When I arrived at the airport to start a new life in a new country, I had one suitcase, hand luggage and a laptop. For many years we haven’t moved practically anything from Poland. We handed over the household appliances because they did not fit the English plugs. The books were also given away because initially, we only rented a room, and every free corner was worth its weight in gold. Then, as we got back on our feet in the new conditions and enlarged our living space, my wife and I started to accumulate things … things that we had to get rid of. But how to do it? How to declutter your house in one day?

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