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It is not always about work. It is not always about diet, exercises and hardship. It is better to just convince myself to do what is right. Find my “why” and carry on going and enjoying life. This is what lifestyle is to me.

Hey there, does your email system save you time?

Hey there, does your email save you time?

It is fast, it is different, and it is not backwards compatible. It protects your private data. But what matters the most to me, it saves me a ton of time by providing several productivity-boosting solutions. Does your email save or waste your time? Or quite the opposite, it’s your alerting system? I am saying “bye” to the oldie but goodie email to say hey to Hey. Let me explHEYn.

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Uncomfortable Conversations

40% rule – a secret to mental toughness

It is not always rainbows and unicorns. Last quarter was definitely a tricky time. I think that the situation in the world finally got me and started messing in my mind. And the fact some things started falling apart, sometimes literally, didn’t help. In the spirit of retrospective mindset, I would like to look back to the second quarter of 2020. This post is going to be harsh reality documentation. I will also share what helped me and how I coped with it. 40% rule – a secret to mental toughness.

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I propose a lesson from the zoo

I propose a leadership lesson from a visit to the zoo

There are many things we can learn from kids. There are many things we can learn as parents and implement to our leadership toolset. And finally, there are many things we learn as leaders and can and should apply to our parenting skills. One common theme is the language that we use. There are many situations and aspects that use of language matters. In this coffee journey, I am going to focus on one. We learned it during our last year trip to Zurich Zoo. I propose a leadership lesson from a visit to the Zoo. Wait. What?!?

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How to spot a fake news story

How to spot a fake news story

October 30 in 1938. An actor Orson Welles announced to radio listeners that Martians were invading the Earth. People believed in that news. It caused real chaos. It turned, it was the realistic dramatisation of the famous science-fiction book “The War of the Worlds”. The information was very convincing. The radio station clarified that it was a weekly broadcast of the new series created in collaboration with the Mercury Theatre. It was a fake news story. Fast forward a few decades, and we have a fresh take on the news business. With better technology, the global connection of the internet, and instant gratification urge, we look for thrilling news, constant entertainment and the satisfying rush of dopamine. Our challenge is the same – how to spot a fake news story?

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How to feel less tired - sunrise in Portugal πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή

How to feel less tired

A long, long time ago my son had a fairly nasty cold. Temperature, difficulty with breathing, running nose, you name it. He almost didn’t sleep for two nights. Like every kid in that situation, he was moody, and he was literally glued to me, holding my hand and walking with me everywhere. After an exhausting day, we managed to reach the bed, but he didn’t want to sleep alone. Trying to comfort him in his illness as much as I could, I took him to my bed. And then, when I thought he was already asleep, he whispered: “I love you, daddy, very much, you know that right?” I was exhausted, but this short sentence gave me an enormous level of energy to be strong for him. It also made me think that the fatigue we feel is as much physical as mental. It prompted me to research how to feel less tired.

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May the fourth be with you - R2D2

May the fourth be with you!

It was a long, long time ago, when I saw it for the first time. I had never seen anything like this before. It was terrific, and it left a mark on me. It also shaped my taste and sincere interest in sci-fi movies. But it was a different world back then. There were not many toys I could play to recreate the scenes from my new favourite movie. There were not many magazines that had pictures of my favourite characters to collect them. Every coverage in any journals or paper was a treat. In the rare case of appearance, we informed one another with my friends, so everyone could buy, carefully cut and enjoy it. The Star Wars saga movies. May the fourth be with you!

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Cold Shower Challenge - Iceland

How to improve the immune system and develop a Spartan mindset in 60 sec per day

Stress is generally not good for us. When we hear about stress, we think about anxiety, increased heart bit and definitely nothing good. This is true for stress caused by our thoughts, and as a result, difficult emotions. However, there is another type of pressure that we would like to embrace moderately. It is stress that helps our bodies to grow and indirectly helps our minds to be more resistant to the bad stress. Staying fit is nothing else than putting pressure to our bodies to improve. Another type of good stress that we can easily apply is exposure to cold. It has a long list of benefits. It helps to strengthen an immune system and to develop the Spartan mindset. Let’s introduce the cold shower challenge!

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3 practices how to stay sane in crisis

3 mindfulness practices that will help to stay sane in crisis

Have you noticed that working these days seems more tiring? I do pretty much what I was doing before. The “only” difference is that kids are always at home. And of course, we have constant information noise about the current situation. Even if we limit access to the television, the news comes to our minds one way or another. I compare the current situation to a long-haul flight with no noise cancellation headphones. There is a constant sound of engines and air that makes us more tired at the end of our journey. I would like to propose three mindfulness practices that will help to stay sane in a crisis, but also be more positive about the surrounding world.

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